


For years EPA has engaged in bureaucratic overreach far exceeding its lawful authority;

EPA has been used by partisan interests, radical pressure groups and profiteers to thwart business and unduly burden private property rights often with questionable if any benefit to the environment;

EPA has operated in an opaque manner, refusing to share the data and science it relies upon for review and has avoided realistic cost-benefit analyses of its policies;

EPA has used “sue and settle” legal tactics to short-circuit the regulatory process and divert financial resources to select special interests;

President Trump charged EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt with the task of reforming EPA;

Administrator Pruitt has become the target of partisan attacks aimed at thwarting his efforts at reform;

Therefore, we the undersigned, call upon President Trump to retain Scott Pruitt as EPA Administrator, and to continue the badly needed process of reforming EPA and restoring it to its proper role as a constructive, non-partisan protector of our environment.


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